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Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE
Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE


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N° spécial revue

Sommaire :

- Cracking IT: negotiating working-class gender capital through group enterprises in India/Shoba Arun, Thankom Arun
- "The biggest problem we are facing is the running away problem" : recruitment and the paradox of facilitating the mobility of immobile workers/Katharine Jones, Leena Ksaifi, Colin Clark
- Professionalization and corporate social responsibility : a comparative study on German an US job requirements in CSR/Diana Benzinger, Michael Muller-Camen
- Wage differences between Polish and Romanian intra-EU migrants in a flexi-secure labour market : an over-time perspective/Jonas Felbo-Kolding, Janine Leschke
- Unpacking super-exploitation in the 21st century : the struggles of Haitian workers in Brazil/Francis Portes Virginio, Paul Stewart, Brian Garvey
- Marketisation and regulatory labour in frontline disability work/Georgia van Toorn/Natasha Cortis
- Fragmented capital and (the loss of) control over posted workers : a case study in the Belgian meat industry/Anne Theunissen, Patrizia Zanoni, Koen Van Laer
- Embedded strangers in one's own job ? : freelance interpreters' invisible work : a practice theory approach/Deborah Giustini
- From crunch to grind : adopting servitization in project-based creative work/Johanna Weststar, Louis-Étienne Dubois
- Employer participation in active labour market policies in the United Kingdom and Denmark : the effect of employer associations as social networks and the mediating role of collective voice/Danat Valizade, Jo Ingold, Mark Stuart
- Representing solo self-employed workers : the strengthening of relations between traditional and new collective actors in industrial relations/Petr Mezihorak, Annalisa Murgia, Paolo Borghi, Mathilde Mondon-Navazo
- Refugee subentrepreneurship : the emergence of a liquid cage/Deema Refai, Gerard McElwee
- "They exist but they don't exist" : personal assistants supporting physically disabled people in the workplace/Jane Maddison, Jenni Brooks, Katherine Graham, Yvonne Birks

Themed collection introduction : China and the internationalisation of the sociology of contemporary work and employment
- China and the internationalisation of the sociology of contemporary work and employment/Eleonore Kofman, Maggy Lee, Tommy Tse

Debates and Controversies
- Rethinking mobilization theory for union revitalization within the SSA theory framework/Sadık Kılıç
- Migration and migrant labour in the Gig economy : an intervention/Niels van Doorn, Fabian Ferrari, Mark Graham


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