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Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE
Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE


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N° spécial revue

Sommaire :

- Framing Unions and Nurses/Susan Cake
- Precarity and Subcontracting Relationships: The Case of Parcel Delivery Drivers in France/Pétronille Rème-Harnay
- Temporary Migrants as Dehumanised ‘Other' in the Time of COVID-19: We're All in This Together?/Dimitria Groutsis, Annika Kaabel, Chris F Wright
- Sustaining Solidarity through Social Media? Employee Social-Media Groups as an Emerging Platform for Collectivism in Pakistan/Syed Imran Saqib, Matthew M C Allen, Miguel Martínez Lucio, Maria Allen
- Are All the Stable Jobs Gone? The Transformation of the Worker–Firm Relationship and Trends in Job Tenure Duration and Separations in Canada, 1976–2015/Xavier St-Denis, Matissa Hollister
- Making Markets Material: Enactments, Resistances, and Erasures of Materiality in the Graduate Labour Market/Olga Loza, Philip Roscoe
- Matching Candidates to Culture: How Assessments of Organisational Fit Shape the Hiring Process/Gerbrand Tholen
- Labour Market Engineers: Reconceptualising Labour Market Intermediaries with the Rise of the Gig Economy in the United States/Ashley Baber
- Trans People in the Workplace: Possibilities for Subverting Heteronormativity/David Watson, Angelo Benozzo, Roberta Fida
- The Equality Hurdle: Resolving the Welfare State Paradox/Erling Barth, Liza Reisel, Kjersti Misje Østbakken
- Employment Discrimination against Indigenous People with Tribal Marks in Nigeria: The Painful Face of Stigma/Toyin Ajibade Adisa, Chima Mordi, Andrew R Timming
- Unpromising Futures: Early-Career GPs' Narrative Accounts of Meaningful Work during a Professional Workforce Crisis/Louise Laverty, Katherine Checkland, Sharon Spooner
- Technological Change, Tasks and Class Inequality in Europe/Carlos J Gil-Hernández, Guillem Vidal, Sergio Torrejón Perez
- Sexual Orientation, Workplace Authority and Occupational Segregation: Evidence from Germany/Lisa de Vries, Stephanie Steinmetz

On the Front Line
- ‘A Good Death': One Hospice Chaplain's Approach to End-of-Life Care/Rachael N Pettigrew/Madison Cawdor

Book Review
- Karen Levy, Data Driven: Truckers, Technology, and the New Workplace/Stephen J Frenkel


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