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Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE
Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE


Sélection Imprimer
N° spécial revue
Langue : anglais

Sommaire :

- Platform labour unrest in a global perspective : how, where and why do platform workers protest ?/Charles Umney, Mark Stuart, Ioulia Bessa, Simon Joyce, Denis Neumann, Vera Trappman
- The dynamics of control of migrant agency workers : over-recruitment, "the bitchlist" and the enterprising-self/Chloe Tarrabain, Robyn Thomas
- Trade union solidarity in crisis : the generative tensions of worker solidarities in Argentina/Adam Fischwick, Lucila D'Urso
- Reconceptualising work and employment in complex productive configurations/Martine D'Amours, Leticia Pogliaghi, Guy Bellemare, Louise Briand, Frédéric Hanna
- Hiring temps but losing perms ? : temporary worker inflows and voluntary turnover of permanent employees/Rocio Bonet, Marta Elvira, Stefano Visintin
- Wage theft and the struggle over the working day in hospitality work : a typology of unpaid labour time/Matthew Cole, Mark Stuart, Kate Hardy, David Spencer
- Neither employee nor contractor : a case study of employment relations between riders and platform-based food-delivery firms in Taiwan/Bo-Yi Lee
- Advancing workers' rights in the Gig economy through discursive power : the communicative strategies of Indie unions/Davide Però, John Downey
- A relational work perspective on the Gig economy : doing creative work on digital labour platforms/Ana Alacovska, Eliane Bucher, Christian Fieseler
- Vice-chancellor pay and performance : the moderating effect of vice-chancellor characteristics/Mohamed H. Elmagrhi, Collins G. Ntim
- The scarring effect of first job precarity : new evidence from a panel study in Hong Kong/Duoduo Xu, Shushing Jin, Ngai Pun, Jiao Guo, Xiagoang Wu
- Disguising "taking money out of a firm" : disconnection and detrimental consequences for workers/Ian Clark
- Gender composition and the symbolic value of occupations : new evidence of a u-shaped relationship between gender and occupational prestige based on German microdata/Sabine Krueger, Christian Ebner, Daniela Rohrbach-Schmidt
- There and back again : neuro-diverse employees : liminality and negative capability/Louise Nash

On the front line
- "When the daily commute stops" : a long-distance commuter's reflections on commuting and telecommuting across the Covid-19 pandemic/Clive Trusson, Gwen K-W. Chen, John Bridger

Book review
- Matt Vidal, Management divided : contradictions of labor management/Paul Stewart


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