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Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE
Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE

Introduction : what does working in the tourism sector mean ?, in : Guibert Christophe (dir.), Réau Bertrand (dir.).- Employment and tourism : new research perspectives in the social sciences.

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Chapitre d'ouvrage
Auteur(s) : GUIBERT Christophe, RÉAU Bertrand
Londres : Springer, 2023, pp. 1-9
Coll. SpringerBriefs in sociology

Thème : Emploi
Mots-clés : Tourisme, Situation emploi
Langue : anglais

Résumé : Touristic practices and destinations are becoming increasingly widespread in more and more places and countries. Recent years have also witnessed a diversification of the ways of doing tourism. Still, at each level of the “tourism system” – a “system of actors, practices, and places”, the functions performed by professionals, although they are changing, are crucial to deliver tourism services that meet the expectations and demands of tourists. As a market-oriented activity, tourism entails, from the step of booking (a trip, a hotel room, a paragliding class, for instance) to the performance of the service (e.g. a visit at a heritage site or a winery, a sporting activity), a wide range of embedded professional activities requiring sector-specific hard and soft skills. While the tasks and functions of tourism workers are varied within this “plural space”, pay and skill levels can also be wildly different within the same country or from one country to the next. [résumé auteurs]

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