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Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE
Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE

The changing nature and role of vocational education and training in Europe. Vol. 5 : education and labour market outcomes for graduates from different types of VET system in Europe.

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Étude et rapport
Auteur(s) : Cedefop
Luxembourg : Office des publications officielles des communautés européennes, 2018, 76 p.
Coll. Cedefop research paper, n° 69

Thème : Union européenne
Mots-clés : Politique formation, Formation professionnelle continue, Europe, État membre, Insertion professionnelle, Carrière professionnelle

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Annexes : annexes
Langue : anglais
ISBN : 978-92-896-2697-2

Résumé : Based on comparative analysis of labour force survey data from 2014, the report analyses the vocational effect on labour market and education outcomes, asking whether any advantages conferred by vocational qualifications in early career would be offset by disadvantages later in life. The report explores the functioning of the safety net and the diversion effects across countries, demonstrating how these vary considerably with the specific institutional structure of schooling and work-based training. The results indicate that VET graduates are potentially sacrificing the longer-term gains associated with further education in favour of short-term benefits. [résumé éditeur]

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