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Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE
Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE

Tensions and polarities in the autonomy of family careers in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic in France.

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Auteur(s) : GIRAUD Olivier, PETIAU Anne, TOUAHRIA-GAILLARD Abdia, RIST Barbara, TRENTA Arnaud
International journal of care and caring [en ligne], vol. 6, n° 1-2, janv. 2022, pp. 141-156

Thème : Environnement social politique
Mots-clés : Crise sanitaire, Aidant familial, Soin, Autonomie

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Annexes : bibliographie

Résumé : This article analyses the impact of the Covid-19 lockdown on ‘monetised' family carers' understanding of their own autonomy in a long-term care relation at home. The reduction or suspension of medico-social service deteriorated the situation of family carers of frail older people or people with disability. We develop and apply an analytical grid of 15 interviews of monetised family carers about the reorganisation of care systems and their situation as carers. We identify three types of understandings of autonomy among family carers in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic: preventive autonomy; health protection autonomy; and supported autonomy. [résumé éditeur]


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