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Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE
Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE

Comparing the social and spatial inscription of women's work, in : Giraud Olivier (dir.), Lallement Michel (dir.).- Decentering comparative analysis in a globalizing world.

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Chapitre d'ouvrage
Auteur(s) : TOFFANIN Tania
Leiden : Brill, 2022, pp. 306-325
Coll. International comparative social studies

Thème : Sociologie
Mots-clés : Femme, Genre, Sociologie travail, Comparaison

Résumé : Women Have Always Worked is the title of an amazing book written in 1981 by the American historian Alice Kessler-Harris, on the role of work in women's lives in the nineteenth and early twentieth-century US. In particular, Kessler-Harris focused on the social regulation of women's exclusion from paid work and their relegation to a "separate sphere." The private, the domestic sphere, its boundaries and its extension, becomes essential to understand women's inclusion and exclusion in/from the public sphere. [premières lignes]

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