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Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE
Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE


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N° spécial revue

Sommaire :

- "Bullshit" after all ? : why people consider their jobs socially useless/Simon Walo
- Learning about pay at work : a labour process approach to pay transparency/Fuk Ying Tse
- Labour commodification in the employment heartland : union responses to teachers' temporary work/Susan McGrath-Champ, Scott Fitzgerald, Mihajla Gavin, Meghan Stacey, Rachel Wilson
- Developing or degrading young workers ? : how business strategy and the labour process shape job quality across different industrial sectors in England/Edward Yates
- The making of the academic precariat : labour activism and collective identity-formation among precarious researchers in Germany/Asli Vatansever
- Union coalitions and strategic framing : the case of the agricultural advisory panel for Wales/Leon Gooberman, Marco Hauptmeier
- Emotional pasts in Swedish rescue services : bringing temporality to the fore in the field of emotional regimes/Clary Krekula, Stefan Karlsson
- Conceptualising "meta-work" in the context of continuous, global mobility : the case of digital nomadism/Jeremy Aroles, Claudine Bonneau, Shabneez Bhankaraully
- Work in the Gig-economy : the role of the state and non-state actors ceding and seizing regulatory space : Cristina Inverse, Tony Dundon, Lucy-Ann Buckley
- Gender in the flesh : allostatic load as the embodiment of stressful, gendered work in Canadian police communicators/Arija Birze, Elise Paradis, Cheryl Regehr, Vicki LeBlanc, Gillian Einstein
- Migrants and undeclared employment within the European construction sector : challenging dichotomous approaches to workers' agency/Iraklis Dimitriadis
- Union equality structures and the challenge of democratic legitimacy : the case of the fire brigades union/Tessa Wright, Sian Moore, Phil Taylor
- Gurkha warriors as entrepreneurs in Britain : a social anchoring lens on martial heritage and migrant enterprises/Pawan Adhikari, Shovita Dhaka Adhikari, Shoba Arun, Thankom Arun
- From unwoven societal relationships to a broad-based movement ? : union power in societal networks in Quebec (Canada)/Lorenzo Frangi, Anthony C. Masi, Bénédicte Poirier
- Is rising self-employment associated with material deprivation in the UK ?/Andrew Henley

Debates and controversies
- Assisted reproductive technologies and work, employment and society : extending the debate on organizational involvement in/responsibilities around fertility and reproduction/Krystal Wilkinson, Clare Mumford, Michael Carroll


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